160 Members Get The $100 Give Back

At the close of 15th November 2024 160 eligible members received the $100 in free credits from HSSOA as part of the Give Back Program.

The program aimed to give back an excess of funds and was a one-off give back for the 2024/25 season only.

A maximum of 303 members were potentially eligible for the Give Back Program, 160 equates to 53% of those.

The program has contributed to a record number of members who had paid HSSOA by November 15th, 206, of whom 181 were qualified to referee.

To qualify for this a members had to

  • Be a returning member from the 2023/4 season.
  • Be in good standing by June 20th, 2024.
  • Have joined TASO, passed the exam and joined HSSOA, including having made the required payments by November 15th, 2024.